Friday, October 19, 2012

Pathfinder's Vespers

Where were you on the night of October the 5th? The Aviators Pathfinder Club was at the Lassel's house for vespers and cinnamon rolls.
Socializing before vespers
Jason, our director, talking about prayer
Pathfinder members were encouraged to bring a friend. Here are some pictures. 
Aviator on the left, friend on the right. 
Part of the Pathfinder Law is "I will keep the morning watch." This means that we will have prayer and Bible study each day. Our leaders talked about prayer during vespers.
The Pathfinders set off a hot air balloon to symbolize how our prayers rise up to God.
We have liftoff!

Brandon, what is your favorite part of Pathfinder Vespers?
I have to agree with you there 
These were MUCH BETTER than the burnt ones at camporee.
Thanks Jason & Rachel for having us over. We had a great time hanging out with friends.

.....but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Proverbs18:24

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