Saturday, October 13, 2012

Pathfinder Sabbath

On Saturday, October 13th, the Lee's Summit Aviators had a special Sabbath at the Lee's Summit SDA Church. During this service, the Pathfinders marched in, with Andrew and Ian bearing the United States flag and the Pathfinder flag. There was also a special speaker, Dick Bascom from Des Moines, Iowa.
Preparing to march in

Here come the Pathfinders!

Opening Announcements by our Club Director, Jason Lassel

Max and Jimmy having the Children's Story

Taking up the Offering

Jake played trombone for special music

Dick Bascom, our special guest

Some of the kids that were formally members in our Pathfinder club happened to be home from Sunnydale.

Here are some group pictures taken with all the youth groups from the Lee's Summit Church
The Eager Beavers on the left, Adventurers on the right, and Pathfinders in the middle

But I, in your great love, can come into your house; 
in reverence I bow down toward your holy temple.
Psalm 5:7

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